1000amp Lincoln Electric DC1000 Air Arc Gouging Welding Machine for hire

1000amp Lincoln Electric Idealarc DC 1000 Sub Arc and Air Arc Gouging Welding Machine Package for hire

The Idealarc® DC-1000 has a rugged construction, simple controls and 1000amps @ 100% duty cycle output rating for flat out 13mm gouging carbons. A 63amp plug would be fitted for your hire if you’re not going over 600amps, or a 125amp plug if you’re cranking it up to full power.

At full power, this machine pulls approx. 100 amps off the 415V supply, and more when on an 16mm² 4-core extension lead.

We don’t recommend using 16mm carbons with the DC 1000, as 1200+ amps would be required. We recommend the Lincoln Electric DC 1000 for all carbon sizes up to 13mm carbons, which requires 900 to 1000amps. See gouging guide here.

Spec Sheet

Air Arc Carbon Capacity

up to 10mm, up to 13mm